About Cleaneroo

Have you ever had a terrible experience with a cleaning company? We have, and it led us to enter the cleaning industry and shake things up for the better.

Letter From Our Director Raffaele,

Have you ever had a terrible experience with a cleaning company? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me and my wife Cassandra when we started our first night office cleaning job back in 2016. Myself coming from real estate and Cassandra from Nursing the last thing we expected was that we would be cleaning after long day at work, but we were in urgent need to be earning some extra cash to save for our first home.
When we arrived at our first assignment, a local gym in North Sydney, we were thrown into the deep end. The cleaning company we were working for had promised us training, but all we got were some keys and a vague scope of work.

“Just get the job done in 2 hours and don’t forget to take photos”

We did our best to complete the job, but it was clear that we were not meeting the client’s expectations. We were given 1 hour each to clean the entire gym, including the locker rooms, showers, and gym equipment. It was a daunting task, to say the least. To make matters worse, the cleaning company we worked for didn’t seem to care about our struggles. When we complained about the lack of support and training, they simply shrugged their shoulders and said, “That’s just how it is.”That experience left us feeling frustrated and disillusioned. We knew that we could do better, but we also realised that businesses in the cleaning industry were consistently not getting value for their money.

However, Leaving your career and starting a business is not as easy as you may think

And so, we decided to take matters into our own hands and start 25/8 Cleaning. With help from friends and family, and using our 1st home  savings, we bought a van and started door-knocking and introducing ourselves to different businesses in the area.

At first, it was just the two of us. We worked hard, day and night, to build our business from the ground up. We put in long hours, honed our skills, and built relationships with our clients.

Slowly but surely, our business started to grow. We hired more cleaners, expanded our services, and opened up new location in North Sydney. We also rebranded to Cleaneroo & set up office right next to that 1st gym we cleaned. Cleaneroo was set up to better reflect our values and our commitment to providing exceptional cleaning services that businesses and cleaners can rely on.

Today, Cleaneroo is one of Sydneys #1 Top google rated cleaning companies in the industry. We are known for our exceptional pro active service, attention to detail, and commitment to our clients and our community of cleaners. We believe that every business deserves value for their money, and we work hard to ensure that our clients feel that they are getting the best possible service at a fair price.
Kind regards,

Raffaele De florio

Our Team

The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English.

Ivy Fajardo


Leo Villalobos


Lileth Reyes


Values Our Service is Built From

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum.


All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary making.


All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary making.


All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary making.

Value 04

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary making.

Value 05

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary making.

Our Mission

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable.

Our Vision

If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.

Raffaele's Vision is to succeed with employing over 1000 Workers

With the mentality if you look after your staff they will look after your clients.

He decided to expand the business and provide job opportunities to those in the same boat as him and Cassie once was.
With a mission to employ over 500 cleaners and give value to over 1000 businesses Australia-wide, Cleaneroo is on the path to become one of Australia’s most successful and socially responsible companies.
Today, Cleaneroo stands as a testament to the power of hard work, determination, and the ability to turn adversity into opportunity. We are proud to provide quality cleaning and disinfection services to businesses across Australia, and we are committed to making a positive impact on the community.

Our Reviews

We believe our work speaks for itself, but our customers vouch for us too.
Here’s just a few of the reviews that make up our 4.8 star rating on

Cleaneroo, is a family-owned Sydney Commercial Cleaning company with a team of 25 committed cleaning professionals, trained and led by myself, Raffaele Deflorio, an experienced cleaner, hands-on professional with a proven track record of satisfied, long term clients.

We specialise in regular office cleaning, post-construction cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning.

Cleaneroo, is a family-owned Sydney Commercial Cleaning company with a team of 25 committed cleaning professionals, trained and led by myself, Raffaele Deflorio, an experienced cleaner, hands-on professional with a proven track record of satisfied, long term clients.

We specialise in regular office cleaning, post-construction cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning.

Cleaneroo, is a family-owned Sydney Commercial Cleaning company with a team of 25 committed cleaning professionals, trained and led by myself, Raffaele Deflorio, an experienced cleaner, hands-on professional with a proven track record of satisfied, long term clients.

We specialise in regular office cleaning, post-construction cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning.

Cleaneroo, is a family-owned Sydney Commercial Cleaning company with a team of 25 committed cleaning professionals, trained and led by myself, Raffaele Deflorio, an experienced cleaner, hands-on professional with a proven track record of satisfied, long term clients.

We specialise in regular office cleaning, post-construction cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning.

Cleaneroo, is a family-owned Sydney Commercial Cleaning company with a team of 25 committed cleaning professionals, trained and led by myself, Raffaele Deflorio, an experienced cleaner, hands-on professional with a proven track record of satisfied, long term clients.

We specialise in regular office cleaning, post-construction cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning.

Cleaneroo, is a family-owned Sydney Commercial Cleaning company with a team of 25 committed cleaning professionals, trained and led by myself, Raffaele Deflorio, an experienced cleaner, hands-on professional with a proven track record of satisfied, long term clients.

We specialise in regular office cleaning, post-construction cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning.

Cleaneroo, is a family-owned Sydney Commercial Cleaning company with a team of 25 committed cleaning professionals, trained and led by myself, Raffaele Deflorio, an experienced cleaner, hands-on professional with a proven track record of satisfied, long term clients.

We specialise in regular office cleaning, post-construction cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning.

Cleaneroo, is a family-owned Sydney Commercial Cleaning company with a team of 25 committed cleaning professionals, trained and led by myself, Raffaele Deflorio, an experienced cleaner, hands-on professional with a proven track record of satisfied, long term clients.

We specialise in regular office cleaning, post-construction cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning.

Cleaneroo, is a family-owned Sydney Commercial Cleaning company with a team of 25 committed cleaning professionals, trained and led by myself, Raffaele Deflorio, an experienced cleaner, hands-on professional with a proven track record of satisfied, long term clients.

We specialise in regular office cleaning, post-construction cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning.

Cleaneroo, is a family-owned Sydney Commercial Cleaning company with a team of 25 committed cleaning professionals, trained and led by myself, Raffaele Deflorio, an experienced cleaner, hands-on professional with a proven track record of satisfied, long term clients.

We specialise in regular office cleaning, post-construction cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning.

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